
    This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

    Increasing evidence suggests that being active can reduce a person's risk of dementia. Dementia is the name for the effects of Alzheimer's disease, stroke and other brain disorders.

    People may be considered to have dementia if they lose abilities in two or more areas such as memory and language skills. Other signs of dementia include a loss of ability to think clearly or control emotions.

    The World Health Organization says about thirty-five million people worldwide are living with dementia.

    Most studies of exercise and dementia depend on self-reporting -- asking people to report their levels of physical activity. Laura Middleton is a researcher at the Sunnybrook Research Institute and the University of Waterloo in Canada. She says there are problems with self-reporting.
    大多数关于运动和老年痴呆症的研究依赖于患者的自我报告,即要求人们报告他们的身体运动水平。劳拉·米德尔顿(Laura Middleton)是加拿大Sunnybrook研究所和沃特卢大学的一名研究员。她表示,自我报告存在一些问题。

    LAURA MIDDLETON: "It does a very good job of capturing jogging, or biking or tennis but does a relatively poor job of capturing low-intensity activity like walking or daily chores, which may also be important to the risk of cognitive impairment."

    So, Professor Middleton led a team in a new study to measure activity levels scientifically. The study lasted five years. Almost two hundred people took part. Their average age was seventy-five.

    The people drank small amounts of what scientists call doubly labeled water. It contains forms of hydrogen and oxygen that can mark, or label, these elements within body water. This way scientists can measure energy use through urine tests.
    注:由重氢重氧构成的水叫双重水(双标记水):D218O 是水的同位素中最重的分子。稳定同位素无毒无害,使用安全,作为示踪原子,被广泛应用于化学、医药学、生物工程、环境学、地质学等各个学科。

    Laura Middleton says the research showed that even low-intensity activity reduced the risk of thinking problems and memory loss.

    LAURA MIDDLETON: "Those with higher activity energy expenditure had ninety percent reduced risk of incident cognitive impairment over the follow-up period compared to those with very low activity energy expenditure."

    The study is published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
    这项研究发表在内科学文献(Archives of Internal Medicine)上。

    In a second study, French researchers reported on exercise and dementia in women with heart risks like obesity or diabetes.

    Marie-Noel Vercambre of the Foundation for Public Health in Paris led the study. The findings suggest that even a half-hour walk at a quick speed every day could lower the risk of cognitive impairment.
    巴黎公共健康基金会的玛丽-诺埃尔·沃卡比(Marie-Noel Vercambre)领导了这项研究。研究结果表明,即使是每天正常速度步行半个小时也能降低认知障碍的风险。

    Dr. Eric Larson of the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle, Washington, wrote a commentary about the studies. He says the findings add to the evidence about the mental value of physical activity.
    美国西雅图群体健康研究所的埃里克·拉尔森博士(Dr. Eric Larson)就此发表了评论。他称,这项研究结果为身体运动存在精神方面的价值增加了证据。

    ERIC LARSON: "It's not obvious to people that exercise would make your brain healthier. And as each study does more detailed analyses of special groups or a different way of making the measurements, it just makes the scientific basis for this relationship a lot more convincing."