
    This is the VOA Special English Development Report.

    The latest Global Hunger Index report says the number of hungry people worldwide has fallen twenty-five percent since ninety ninety.
    最新的全球饥饿指数(Global Hunger Index)报告显示,自1990年以来,全球饥饿人数已经下降了25%。

    Last year the estimate topped one billion for the first time. But this year's report says the number of people not getting enough to eat has fallen to nine hundred twenty-five million.

    Still, many experts worry that hunger rates are not falling fast enough to meet United Nations goals. One of the first of the Millennium Development Goals is to reduce the hunger rate by fifty percent between ninety ninety and twenty fifteen.
    然而,很多专家担心饥饿率的下降速度不足以实现联合国的目标。千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals)首批目标之一就是,在1990年到2015年间把饥饿率降低一半。

    Caroline Hurford at the U.N. World Food Program says the reduction in hunger rates has slowed in recent years.
    联合国世界粮食计划署(U.N. World Food Program)的卡罗琳·赫福德(Caroline Hurford)表示,最近几年饥饿率下降速度有点慢。

    CAROLINE HURFORD: "There has been a slight dropping off in the number of hungry people in the late nineteen nineties. But then it rose again, of course, during the financial crisis of two thousand seven-two thousand eight. And then the very high food prices, together with the high fuel prices, really knocked everything off track again. And then, of course, climate change has come in and that's made it more difficult to grow food."

    The Global Hunger Index is prepared by three private organizations based in Germany, the United States and Ireland. The latest report says twenty-nine countries have levels of hunger that are considered "alarming."

    The biggest increases were found in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The report says hunger has risen by more than sixty-five percent since nineteen ninety because of conflict and political insecurity.

    And Caroline Hurford says Congo is not alone.

    CAROLINE HURFORD: "Clearly conflict is a huge problem as far as the actual growing of produce and crops is concerned. People can't necessarily tend their fields if they are always being chased away by armed rebels."

    A separate report says twenty-two countries have suffered from a hunger and food crisis for at least eight years. Twenty percent of the world's hungry live in these countries, most of which are in Africa.

    That report is from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Food Program. They say new policies are needed to deal with these long-term crises. Peter Smerdon at the World Food Program says emergency aid must include development assistance.
    该项报告来自于联合国粮农组织(U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization)和世界粮食计划署。他们表示,需要出台一些新的政策来解决这些长期危机。世界粮食计划署的彼得·斯默登(Peter Smerdon)表示,应急援助必须包括发展援助。

    PETER SMERDON: "You have to do both things. You have to do both development and emergency assistance to keep people alive to reverse the situation. Otherwise, you're just going to be stuck in a protracted crisis, and have to keep trying to put out the fire. But you're not actually changing the structure of the crisis at all."

    Both reports were released ahead of World Food Day this past Saturday