
    This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

    One job of an athletic trainer is to treat injured athletes. But does it make a difference if the trainer is male or female?

    Sometimes, yes , if an injury or condition is a "male problem" or a "female problem." Then athletes say they are more likely to want treatment by someone of their own sex.

    But what about a problem that could affect either sex, like a dislocated shoulder? Researchers at North Carolina State University asked male football players at two American colleges.

    The study found that those players would still probably choose a male trainer -- unless the injury made them feel depressed. Then they would most likely choose a female trainer.
    研究发现,这些球员仍可能选择男教练 - 除非伤病令他们感到沮丧,这时他们将最有可能选择一个女教练。

    The researchers offer two possible explanations. They say football players might be seen as "weak" if they talk about their depression with a male trainer. Also, over half the players described female trainers with words like "caring," "nurturing" and "affectionate."

    The researchers say this shows that "gender stereotypes" have influenced the opinions of the players about women. They say the concern is that players might see the training room as not the place even for well-qualified women.

    The study, led by Heidi Grappendorf, is in the Journal of Athletic Training.
    这项研究由Heidi Grappendorf领导,其研究成果发表在体育训练杂志上。

    Trainers are an important part of an athlete's life. But an organization based in California is working with coaches to help influence boys to show more respect toward girls and women.

    Feroz Moideen is director of the Coaching Boys into Men program of the Family Violence Prevention Fund. He says the nonprofit organization works with police, judges, teachers and coaches. He says the group used a million-and-a-half-dollar donation from the Nike Foundation to expand the program to cricket players in India.
    Feroz Moideen是反家庭暴力基金会的男孩成长项目主任。他说,该非营利组织与警察,法官,教师和教练合作,使用耐克基金会捐赠的150万美元,将该项目扩展至印度的板球运动员中。

    FEROZ MOIDEEN: "We tried to use the power of cricket coaches in that instance to reach young boys and, once again, to educate them about healthy relationships and to model healthy and respectful behavior toward women and girls."
    FEROZ MOIDEEN:“我们在这个实例中,试图利用板球教练的影响,与年轻的男孩们接近,再次教育他们与女性建立起健康的关系,树立尊重女性的行为典范。”

    Written materials are also being provided to other countries through UNICEF, the United Nations children's and educational agency.

    Brian O'Connor of the Family Violence Prevention Fund says young men need guidelines in how to treat young women -- in person or online.
    反家庭暴力基金会的Brian O'Connor表示,小男孩们需要通过私底下或网络的形式,获得如何正确对待年轻女性的指引。

    BRIAN O'CONNOR: "Talking about unwanted or excessive text messaging, or breaking into someone's Facebook account. We're calling this digital dating abuse, another form of abuse that has been really heightened now through technology."
    BRIAN O'CONNOR:“说到有害的和过量的短信息,或者侵入某人的Facebook账户。我们称之为数字化弊端。这是一种随高科技发展而明显提升的弊端形式。