
    An American spacecraft is moving closer to a dwarf planet called Ceres. The American space agency's Dawn spacecraft is set to reach the planet-like object in March.
    一艘美国飞船正在接近一颗名为谷神星(Ceres)的矮行星。美国航天局的曙光号飞船(Dawn spacecraft)将于三月份抵达这颗类行星。

    Space agency scientists will then place Dawn in an orbit around the dwarf planet. Agency scientists want to know more about ice on Ceres. The spacecraft will gather clues about whether Ceres may have once had conditions to support life as we know it.

    Dawn left Earth more than seven years ago on a trip to explore Ceres and another dwarf planet, called Vesta. Both dwarf planets are in the main belt of asteroids, a group of large objects, between the planets Mars and Jupiter.

    Marc Rayman is the chief engineer and director of the Dawn mission.
    马克·雷曼(Marc Rayman)是这次曙光号行动的首席工程师和负责人。

    "This is the first time in more than 57 years of space exploration that we have a spacecraft targeted to orbit any two extraterrestrial destinations."

    Scientists call Vesta and Ceres "protoplanets." Mr. Rayman says they were in the process of becoming full-size planets when, in his words, "their growth was terminated."

    Scientists believe Ceres is made of rock, and covered with ice.

    The Dawn mission is based in Los Angeles, California. Scientists there send second-by-second commands to the spacecraft. They direct its every move, including telling it what pictures to take. Dawn will make a map of the dwarf planet. It will also try to discover how Ceres' surface has changed.

    Carol Raymond is the deputy principal investigator of the project.
    卡罗尔·雷蒙德(Carol Raymond)是该项目的副首席研究员。

    "One of the interests in bodies like Ceres and other icy bodies in the outer solar system is that when objects like that impacted the terrestrial planets, they brought a lot of water. So there's a very vigorous debate at the current time as to whether wet asteroids like Ceres -- and we know there are other wet asteroids in the outer edge of the main belt -- whether they were the dominant source of water in the Earth's ocean."

    Carol Raymond says Dawn made an unexpected discovery while orbiting Vesta.

    "Instead of being bone dry, which we expected, there were patches on the surface of Vesta that showed significant amounts of water bound in the rocks and possibly even free water that could have flowed on the surface in the past."

    She says that if Earth's water came from wet worlds like Vesta and Ceres, then life could have developed there, too.

    If Dawn finds that the environment of Ceres could have supported life, scientists may seek to explore the dwarf planet with other scientific instruments.

    Dawn will gather information about Ceres until the middle of 2016. It will then continue to orbit the small planet.

    I'm Marsha James.
    我是玛莎·詹姆斯(Marsha James)。(51VOA.COM对本文翻译保留全部权利,未经授权请勿转载,违者必究!)