
    Americans are split on how their next president should talk about Islamic extremism, says a new public opinion study.

    The study found that 65 percent of Republican supporters say the next president should speak directly about Islamic extremism -- even if the statements are critical of Islam.

    But among Democrats, 70 percent said they want the next president to speak more carefully about the issue.

    The Pew Research Center conducted the poll last month.

    Almost half of those who took part in the study said they believe some Muslim-Americans disagree with U.S. culture, politics and policies. About 11 percent believe "most" or "almost all" Muslim-Americans are anti-American.

    A Pew study conducted in December found almost half said they believe Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence. A similar number said they are "very concerned" about an increase in Islamic extremism in the United States. And almost two-thirds said they believe the bigger problem is that religion is used by violent people as a reason for their violent actions.

    On Wednesday, President Barack Obama visited a mosque, or Muslim religious center, in Baltimore, Maryland. He said Muslim-Americans are seen negatively by many Americans because of the increase in terrorism linked to Islamist extremists.

    The president's visit "is a simple but powerful affirmation of the fact that American-Muslims are a part of the mosaic of American society," said Omid Sofi, director of the Duke Islamic Studies Center in North Carolina, in an email to VOA. "Hopefully, it will serve as a reminder of the need to affirm the full rights of all of us, regardless of faith and ethnicity."
    杜克大学伊斯兰研究中心负责人奥米德·索菲(Omid Sofi)在一份邮件中对美国之音表示,奥巴马总统的访问“是对美国穆斯林是美国社会百态一部分的一种简单但又强大的肯定,希望这将能提醒人们,不分信仰和种族我们都拥有全部权利。”

    I'm Christopher Jones-Cruise.