
    An American astronaut is beginning a year long trip in space.

    NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly is traveling to the International Space Station for the second time. Mr. Kelly says that this time in space would present a greater challenge than his first visit.
    美国宇航局宇航员斯科特·凯利(Scott Kelly)即将第二次前往国际空间站。凯利表示,这次在太空会出现比他第一次更大的挑战。

    Most visits to the space station last just four to six months. Scott Kelly will be there a year. Researchers hope this longer stay will teach them more about how the human body reacts to long periods of spaceflight.

    Astronaut Kelly's mental and physical health will be closely watched during his ISS visit and after his return. He also presents NASA with a unique study situation. Researchers will be able to compare medical information from Astronaut Kelly with that from his identical twin brother, former astronaut Mark Kelly.
    宇航员凯利在空间站停留期间及返回之后,他的身心健康都会受到严密关注。他还为美国宇航局提供了一种独特的研究状况。研究人员将能够把凯利的医学信息,和他的同卵双生兄弟、前宇航员马克·凯利(Mark Kelly)进行对比。

    Craig Kundrot is deputy chief scientist of NASA's Human Research Program at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. He says Mark Kelly is volunteering as a private citizen.
    克雷格·坤德罗特(Craig Kundrot)是得克萨斯州休斯敦市的约翰逊航天中心美国宇航局人类研究项目的副首席科学家。他说,凯利是以普通公民身份志愿参与。

    One main focus will be on the bacteria that live in the human digestive system. Mr. Kundrot says comparisons could be interesting because the twins will be eating very different food in the year ahead. He says Scott Kelly's diet in space will be very limited and sterile.

    John Charles is also a NASA scientist with the Human Research Program. He says it has been almost twenty years since someone spent so long in space. He says technology has developed a lot since that team of Russians spent a year in space.
    约翰·查尔斯(John Charles)也是参与人类研究项目的一位美国宇航局科学家。他说,距离上次有人在太空中呆这么长时间已经过去了将近20年。他说,科技自俄罗斯人在太空中呆一年之后已经发展了很多。

    "The Russians themselves are very interested in what we are going to learn from this mission, because it is a chance to revisit and further the studies they did earlier."

    John Charles says the collection of tests and the ability to watch Scott Kelly's condition every day could produce unexpected results.

    "We are not going to be surprised by surprises. We were surprised several years ago by finding that certain astronauts have changes in their vision during long-duration space flight about halfway through a six-month mission."

    Another area of interest is the effect of radiation on the human body. This would be even more intense for astronauts on a three-year mission to Mars. NASA scientists think research collected from Scott Kelly's one-year space trip will be important to pave the way for a future piloted flight to Mars.

    I'm Jonathan Evans.
    我是乔纳森·埃文斯(Jonathan Evans)。(51VOA.COM对本文翻译保留全部权利,未经授权请勿转载,违者必究!)