
CHIANG MAI, THAILAND — According to a new United Nations report, seizures of illegal methamphetamine drugs around the world last year reached a new high, in response to the growing supply and demand of the illegal drugs in East and Southeast Asia. On the Thai-Burma border, authorities are witnessing the rise firsthand.
泰国清迈 — 根据联合国一份最新报告,东亚和东南亚的非法毒品供求不断增长,因此去年全球查获的非法毒品甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)的数量达到新高。在泰缅边境,当地官员实地目睹了毒品贸易的增加。

Along the Thai-Burmese border, regional trade has increased as countries reduce taxes and trade barriers to encourage growth.

But the strategy of encouraging openness by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations also means increased drug trafficking.

In Thailand alone, amphetamine seizures have quadrupled since 2008, according to the United Nations’ just released report on the global trade in synthetic drugs.

Those numbers worry Region Five Narcotics Control Board Director Suchip Kotcharin.
这一数字令毒品管制局五区负责人Suchip Kotcharin深感担忧。

“In Thailand, we are concerned about the opening of the border because it will increase access for illegal labor and businesses, particularly drug trafficking will be a huge problem as drugs pass through en route to other countries in Southeast Asia,” said Suchip.

Drug trafficking is nothing new in the so-called "Golden Triangle," where the production and transport of opium and amphetamines has thrived for decades in Burma’s lawless frontier, large parts of which are controlled by ethnic armies.

Some analysts, including author Bertil Lintner, think the recent spike in production is due in part to the push for control by the Burmese government.
包括林特纳(Bertil Lintner)在内的一些分析人士说,最近毒品生产陡增的部分原因是缅甸政府为了控制局面而出台的一些政策。

“Since 2011, the government has tried to lure many of the rebel groups, various armed groups back into what they call the legal fold, essentially to neutralize them as a potential threat to the central government. But in order to do so, they must offer them something in return,” said Lintner.

Authorities hope that opening up the ethnic regions of Burma to trade will increase job opportunities. Many living there now have few employment options.

Shan Herald Agency News founder Kuensai Jaiyen, who fled his country in 1996, said the only way to reduce drug production will be to end the conflict and then deliver jobs.
掸邦先驱通讯社创始人寨仁(Kuensai Jaiyen)1996年逃出缅甸。他说,减少毒品生产的唯一办法是结束冲突并提供就业。

“The biggest challenge of course is that we must have peace and rule of law first. And to achieve peace a political settlement must take place. However, we have to take into account that the peace must not be an enforced one,” said Kuensai.
寨仁说: “当然最大的挑战是,我们必须首先有和平与法治。而实现和平必须要实现政治解决。然而,我们必须要记住,和平是不能强迫的。”

As Burma’s ethnic regions continue negotiations with the government, the country and its neighbors face a growing problem as a destination for synthetic drugs.
随着缅甸的少数民族区域在继续同政府谈判,缅甸及其邻国正日益成为合成毒品的目的地。 (未经51VOA.COM授权请勿转载!)