选民对欧盟不满 欧洲向右倾斜

LONDON — Far-right, anti-EU parties have made strong gains following European elections over the weekend. The European Parliament in Brussels will now include hundreds of lawmakers whose aim is to break up the Union. Analysts say the results are partially a reaction against the austerity measures imposed in the wake of the European debt crisis.
伦敦 — 在周末结束的欧洲选举中,极右和反欧盟政党大有斩获。布鲁塞尔的欧洲议会现在包括数百名旨在分裂欧盟的议员。有分析人士说,部分原因是欧盟在欧洲债务危机后实施的紧缩措施引起不满。

France's far-right National Front party attracted one in four votes Sunday at the European polls. Party leader Marine Le Pen said the French people "no longer want to be ruled from the outside.
法国极右翼政党“国民阵线”在欧洲选举获得了四分之一的选票。该党主席马琳·勒庞(Marine Le Pen)说,法国人民“不再希望被外部统治”。

She said the party's objective is to block all damaging European resolutions and to defend the interests of France and the French people.

Supporters claim the virulent anti-immigrant rhetoric of the National Front's early years has moderated. There was shock, though, among immigrant communities in Paris.

Sensitive issues

Mohad Said Elouach, who came to France five years ago, said, “The far right is a danger. The far right does not change; they remain the far right.”
Mohad Said Elouach五年前来到法国,他说,“极右翼是个危险,他们并未改变,仍然极端右倾。”

Parties like the National Front combine fears over immigration with concerns over the economy, said Andrea Mammone, an expert on far-right politics in Europe at Royal Holloway University in London.
伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院的安德烈亚·马莫内说(Andrea Mammone),国民阵线之类的政党既担忧移民又担忧经济。

“The economic situation is part of this problem because [of] a reduction of the job market, so more people are competing for this; reduction of welfare, so finding people responsible for this, so immigrants, competitors.”

The result will be felt beyond France, according to analyst Janis Emmanouilidis of the European Policy Center. “Having a weak France is not good news if you want to do EU policy making,” she said.
欧洲政策中心分析师亚尼斯·埃马努伊利季斯(Janis Emmanouilidis)说,该结果产生的影响远超出了法国。他说, “如果你要制定欧盟政策的话,疲软的法国可不是好消息。”

In Britain, the anti-EU UK Independence Party topped the vote, and now holds a third of Britain's 73 seats in the European Parliament. Party leader Nigel Farage vowed to repeat the success in national elections - and force a referendum on Britain's EU membership.

“Many of you think you've seen the high water mark of UKIP. You ain't seen nothing yet!” said Farage.


In Greece - where EU-imposed austerity measures have been felt hardest - the left-wing anti-EU party Syriza topped the poll. There has been a rejection of mainstream political parties in many European countries, said Andrea Mammone of Royal Holloway University.

“People have started complaining, saying ‘Why? What is the point of a German politician telling us to do this and that? Where is the democratic legitimacy of all this?'” asked Mammone.

In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats topped the poll. She called the rise of anti-EU parties across Europe "remarkable and regrettable.

Merkel said it is up to politicians to win back voters in Germany, and also in France. The best way, she said, is to focus on improving competitiveness, on growth and creating jobs.

Italians also bucked the trend, giving an emphatic win to the center-left, pro-EU Democratic Party of President Matteo Renzi. Italy takes over the rotating EU presidency in July - and Renzi has pledged to focus on jobs and growth in place of austerity.