1022 marketing

今天我们要学的词是marketing。 Marketing, 市场营销。 "He has a knack for marketing," 他很擅长做市场营销的工作。在美国, "The food industry spends $1.6 billion on marketing that targets kids," 食品工业每年花费16亿美元,专门用于儿童市场的促销。 "The use of cartoon characters on food packaging is a marketing strategy to sell junk foods to children," 商家的推销策略之一是用卡通人物做包装,向儿童推销垃圾食品。为了减少青少年吸烟,在美国, "The sale and marketing of candy or fruit flavored cigarettes is illegal," 出售和推销带有糖或是水果口味的香烟是违法的。好的,今天我们学习的词是marketing...
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