1024 shortcut

今天我们要学的词是shortcut。 Shortcut, 近路,捷径。 "The taxi driver took a shortcut and made it to the airport in time," 出租车司机抄近路,准时赶到了机场。 "The heavily traveled road is a popular shortcut for locals to go to the downtown area," 当地很多人都喜欢走这条路抄近道去市中心。 "You can save 10 minutes by taking this shortcut," 抄这条近路可以节省十分钟的时间。 "A change of hair style is sometimes a shortcut to a younger look," 有时候改变发型是让人看上去年轻很多的捷径。好的,今天我们学习的词是shortcut...
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