1055 throes

今天我们要学的词是throes。 Throes, 意思是阵痛、动荡。 "Greece is in the throes of an economic recession," 希腊目前正处于痛苦的经济衰退期。 "The book is about a couple who went through the throes of a messy divorce," 这本书讲的是一对夫妻复杂、痛苦的离婚历程。 "The company is getting into the throes of bankruptcy," 这家公司开始进入痛苦的破产程序。 "The mayor is in the throes of a corruption scandal," 市长目前身陷腐败丑闻。老虎·伍兹虽然依旧是世界排名第一的高尔夫球球手,但是, "He is in the throes of a slump," 他的表现目前处于低潮。好的,今天我们学习的词是throes...
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