1058 hone

今天我们要学的词是hone。 Hone, 做为动词,是磨炼,提高技艺的意思。 "The candidate paid the consulting company a pretty penny to hone his campaign slogan," 这个候选人花了一大笔钱给咨询公司,帮他斟酌推敲竞选口号。 "The summer camp gives kids a chance to hone their soccer skills," 这个夏令营可以帮助孩子们提高足球水平。 "The firefighters use the routine drills to hone their skills," 消防队员通过定期演练,提高救火技能。 "He signed up for the seminar to hone his public speaking skills," 他注册参加讲习班,提高自己当众讲话的能力。好的,今天我们学习的词是hone...
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