1059 staged

今天我们要学的词是staged。 Staged, 有假装,故意安排的意思。"Police suspected the robbery was staged," 警方怀疑这起抢劫案是假的。英国保险诈骗局最近公布的数字显示, "About 30,000 accidents were staged last year," 去年有大约三万起交通事故是故意造假。 "The new reality show was accused of being staged," 有人批评这个新的真人秀看上去太假。 "Opponents say his emotional outburst during the speech was staged in order to win the voters over," 反对者指责他讲话时的激动情绪是故意安排的,目的是要把选民拉到自己一边来。好的,今天我们学习的词是staged...
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