1075 road-block

今天我们要学的词是road-block。 Road-block, 路障,阻碍。 "Police road-blocks were set up before the rally," 集会前,警察设置了路障。 "The highway construction has hit a road-block because of budgetary issues," 高速公路的兴建因为预算受到阻碍。 "Swiss diplomats negotiating for the release of an American hiker hit another road-block," 交涉释放一个美国远足者的瑞士外交官遇到了新的障碍。"Access to capital continues to be a major road-block for small business growth," 获取资金依旧是小公司发展的一个主要障碍。好的,今天我们学习的词是road-block...
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