1092 polarized

今天我们要学的词是polarized。 Polarized, 两极分化的。 A polarized society, 两极分化的社会。 "The debate over illegal immigration has become polarized lately," 有关非法移民议题而展开的辩论最近日趋两极化。美国前总统卡特不久前在接受媒体采访时说, "Washington has become more polarized than it was during the Civil War," 华盛顿现在比美国南北战争期间更加两极化。 "The U.S. political landscape has grown increasingly polarized ahead of the mid-term election," 国会中期选举前,美国的政治版图变得越发两极化。好的,今天我们学习的词是polarized...
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