1115 walk a fine line

今天我们要学的词是walk a fine line. To walk a fine line, 小心行事。 "Coaches have to walk a fine line between pushing their players to their full potential and pushing them too hard," 做为教练,一定要在鼓励运动员充分发挥潜力,和给运动员压力过大之间把握好分寸。

在美国,很多学校都建议老师不要在社交网站上跟学生做朋友。不过, "The schools have to walk a fine line because they cannot dictate their employees’ behavior outside office hours," 学校对这个问题的处理也要格外小心,因为它们管不着雇员八小时以外的行为。好的,今天我们学习的词是walk a fine line....
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