1120 dialogue

今天我们要学的词是dialogue。 Dialogue, 对话。 "Freed Burmese activist Aung San Suu Kyi called for dialogue with the Myanmar government," 缅甸民主运动领袖昂山素季获释后,呼吁跟缅甸政府展开对话。 "Russia and Japan intend to start truth-based dialogue after a recent territorial dispute soured bilateral relations," 俄罗斯和日本不久前因领土争议造成两国关系恶化后,如今打算开展以互信为基础的对话。教育专家说, "Honest dialogue between parents and kids helps promote trust and respect," 家长跟孩子间坦诚的对话有助于增加彼此间的信任和尊重。好的,今天我们学习的词是dialogue...
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