1148 tumble

今天我们要学的词是tumble。 Tumble, 做为动词,有大幅下降的意思。美国电器店百思买11月结束的财政季度销售表现低迷。 "Best Buy stocks tumbled 14% on the newly released data," 新公布的数字使百思买的股价大幅跌落14%。今年圣诞节周末电影票房表现不佳。 "Total Christmas weekend grosses tumbled 45% from a year ago," 圣诞节周末票房总收入比去年暴跌45%。中国加息引起欧洲股市波动。 "Volkswagen AG shares tumbled 5.4% after China raised interest rates for the second time in just over two months," 中国在两个月多一点的时间内第二次加息,使大众汽车公司的股价跌落5.4%。好的,今天我们学习的词是tumble...
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