1153 clean slate

今天我们要学的词是clean slate。 Clean, 干净的,slate有记录、记载的意思,a clean slate, 就是摆脱过去,一切从头开始。 "The company sold its most profitable product line to pay off the debt so it could start with a clean slate," 公司卖掉最赚钱的产品系列,把债还清,然后毫无负担地重新开始。 "He came clean and told his wife about the other woman so they could start with a clean slate," 他向妻子交待了有外遇的事,希望俩人能重新开始。 "The New Year is a new beginning, a fresh start, a clean slate," 新年新开端,新起点,一切都可以从头来过。好的,今天我们学习的词是clean slate...
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