1174 make-up

今天我们要学的词是make-up。 Make-up, 补做的某件事。 "The two teams will play their make-up game at the end of the season," 这两个球队将在赛季最后补赛。 "My English tutor called me to cancel today's lesson, but offered to schedule a make-up session next week," 我的英语家教打电话取消今天的课时,但提出愿意下星期给我补上一次。

在美国的学校里,下雪停课太多是要补课的。 "For many school districts, Presidents' Day will be a snow make-up day this year," 对于很多校区来说,今年的总统节将成为下雪缺课的补课日。好的,今天我们学习的词是make-up...
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