1190 indicator

今天我们要学的词是indicator。 Indicator, 指示,信号。20国集团财长在巴黎开会并达成协议。 "The agreement lays out a list of indicators that can be used to monitor the progress made by member countries in reducing imbalances," 协议罗列了一揽子指标,这些指标可以用来衡量成员国在降低经济失衡方面所取得的进展。

法国一家医院对600多名男性的研究发现, "Premature hair loss can be a strong indicator of prostate cancer among men, later in their life," 男性过早脱发,是今后可能患前列腺癌的很有力的一大预兆。好的,今天我们学习的词是indicator...
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