1205 body clock

今天我们要学的词是body clock。 Body clock生物钟。美国上星期天正式进入夏令时, "Most people can adjust their body clock quickly," 大多数人都能迅速调整自己的生物钟。不过, "For some people, it takes a couple of weeks for their body clock to get used to the new hours," 对于某些人来说,他们可能需要两个星期,才能适应调整后的新时间。 "According to sleep experts, getting sunlight in the morning on the day of the time change will help reset your body clock," 睡眠专家说,改时间的当天早上多晒日光,可以帮助你的身体调整生物钟。好的,今天我们学习的词是body clock...
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