1219 manifesto

今天我们要学的词是manifesto。 Manifesto, 宣言。美国国会众议院预算委员会星期二公布了2012年预算案。 "The budget is not binding, but will serve as a manifesto, showing Republicans' determination to cut the budget," 这份预算案虽无法律效力,但发挥了宣言的作用,体现共和党人削减预算的决心。 "A Moscow think tank urged President Dmitry Medvedev to run for re-election on the manifesto of democratic and modernizing reforms," 莫斯科一个智囊机构敦促俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫以民主和现代化改革为宣言,参选连任。好的,今天我们学习的词是manifesto...
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