1263 shore up

今天我们要学的词是shore up。 To shore up, 是支持,支撑的意思。 "The new recruit will help shore up the team's defense," 这名新来的球员会增加球队的防守能力。 "The International Monetary Fund agreed to a $3 billion loan to help shore up Egypt's finances after Mubarak's ouster," 国际货币基金组织同意向埃及提供30亿美元贷款,帮助穆巴拉克被赶下台后的埃及走过金融困境。 "Toyota's president visited South Korea recently in order to shore up support for the brand," 日本丰田汽车公司总裁最近访问韩国,为丰田品牌争取支持。好的,今天我们学习的词是shore up...
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