1270 drastic

今天我们要学的词是drastic。 Drastic, 大幅度的,剧烈的。 "The school district is considering drastic steps to improve student achievement," 这个校区正在考虑采取重大步骤,设法提高学生成绩。 "Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned that any drastic spending cuts could possibly derail America's economic recovery," 美联储主席伯南克警告国会,大幅削减开支可能会阻碍经济复苏。 "Portugal is trying to take drastic measures in order to tackle its huge debt," 葡萄牙准备采取大幅举措,设法处理巨额债务。好的,今天我们学习的词是drastic...
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