1296 default

今天我们要学的词是default。 Default, 意思是违约,特别指拖欠债务。美国政府和国会参众两院目前正在紧张讨论提高国债上限的问题。 "If Congress does not approve an increase in the debt ceiling within a week, the United States will default on its debt obligations," 如果国会不能在一周内提高国债上限的话,美国将无法按期偿付国债。Default也可以做名词。国会众议院议长贝纳反复强调,债务违约不是一个可以接受的选项, "House Speaker John Boehner has repeatedly insisted that default is not an option," 好的,今天我们学习的词是default...
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