1313 consecutive

今天我们要学的词是consecutive。Consecutive, 连续的,连贯的。最近美国大陆持续酷暑天气。 "The state of Texas has been experiencing consecutive days of over 100-degree heat," 德克萨斯州正在持续经历100度以上的酷暑天气。 "BMW has outsold all other luxury brands in the U.S. for four consecutive months," 宝马车的销售业绩持续四个月超过所有其他豪华汽车品牌. "Google was named the most employee friendly company for the third consecutive year," 谷歌公司连续三年一直被评为最适合工作的公司。好的, 今天我们学习的词是consecutive...
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