1319 undergo

今天我们要学的词是undergo。 Undergo, 是动词, 有经历、承受的意思。委内瑞拉总统查韦斯在古巴接受手术,治疗癌症。 "Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez underwent surgery in Cuba to treat cancer," 很多阿拉伯国家目前都在经历一个政治变革的时期。 "Many Arab countries are undergoing a period of political transformation," 美国一家法院认为杀害自己女儿的年轻妈妈凯西.安东尼患有精神疾病。 "Casey Anthony is about to undergo some major mental health treatments," 凯西.安东尼将接受精神健康方面的治疗。好的, 今天我们学习的词是undergo...
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