1339 alleviate

今天我们要学的词是alleviate。 Alleviate, 减轻,缓和。 "Central banks in Europe are trying to alleviate market pressures by acting collectively," 欧洲各国的中央银行试图通过合作,来减轻市场压力。 "The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is calling on all 57 members to donate funds to alleviate the ongoing famine in Somalia," 伊斯兰合作组织呼吁57个成员国捐款,以缓解索马里目前的持续饥荒。 "A proper amount of exercise can alleviate stress or depression," 适量运动有利于缓解压力或者精神抑郁。好的,今天我们学习的词是alleviate...
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