1346 announce

今天我们要学的词是announce。Announce, 宣布。苹果公司宣布iPhone5即将上市。 "Apple announced that it will be introducing the new features of the iPhone 5 on October 4th," 苹果公司宣布,10月4日正式介绍iPhone 5的新功能。 "After months of speculation, Amazon announced it's new Kindle Fire, a tablet with a $199 price tag," 经过数月的等待,亚马逊公司宣布,平板电脑Kindle Fire即将上市,售价199美元。 "U.S. insurance companies announced that health care benefit costs will go up 5.4% next year," 美国的保险业公司宣布,明年的健康保险费用将上涨5.4%。好的,今天我们学习的词是announce...
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