1351 accelerating

今天我们要学的词是accelerating。Accelerating, 形容词,意思是加速的。三名美国科学家今年被授予诺贝尔物理学奖,他们发现 "The universe is expanding at an accelerating pace," 宇宙正在以加速度膨胀。 "The media industry is experiencing accelerating changes with the widespread usage of smart-phones and on-line social websites," 随着人们广泛使用智能手机和社交网站,现代媒体正在加速变化。 "With the accelerating price pressure, its hard for European banks to lower interest rates," 由于价格压力加剧,欧洲银行很难进一步降低利率。好的,今天我们学习的词是accelerating...
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