1361 track down

今天我们要学的词是track down。 Track down, 追捕、追寻。 "The police are trying to track down the suspect," 警方试图寻找嫌疑犯。最近有一名美国俄亥俄州的农场主自杀前把自己饲养的猛兽放了出来。 "Ohio police searched nearby areas, trying to track down the dangerous wild animals," 俄亥俄州警方搜寻附近地区,试图追捕这些危险的野生动物。

几星期前,美国发生了哈蜜瓜中毒事件。 "The U.S. Department of Agriculture tracked down the source of the contaminated cantaloupe," 美国农业部追寻到了受污染的哈蜜瓜的来源。好的,今天我们学习的词是track down...
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