1369 write off

今天我们要学的词是write off。Write off, 有取消、勾销债款的意思。负债累累的希腊无法偿还所有贷款, "Private banks agreed to write off 50% of Greek debt last week," 上星期,私营银行同意勾销希腊50%的负债。奥巴马政府推出新的"pay as you can"助学贷款计划,其中规定, "After 20 years of payments, any remaining balance would be written off," 付款20年之后,将不必再偿还剩余款项。如果你是自己开公司的话,那么报税时,"You can write the computer off as a business expense," 你的电脑可以按商业成本抵税。好的,今天我们学习的词是write off...
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