1382 celebrated

今天我们要学的词是celebrated。Celebrated, 意思是著名的。美国国会将最高平民荣誉、国会金质奖章授予美国四位著名宇航员, "U.S. Congress has awarded the Congressional Gold Medal to four celebrated American astronauts." 格林威治交响乐团将推出一系列肖邦作品演奏会。"The Greenwich Symphony Orchestra will present several celebrated pianists in a performance of Chopin's piano pieces," 格林威治交响乐团将邀请几位著名钢琴演奏家,推出肖邦钢琴作品专场演奏会。"The Great Wall of China is among the world's most celebrated constructions," 长城是世界最著名的建筑之一。好的,今天我们学习的词是celebrated...
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