1387 staple food

今天我们要学的词staple food。 Staple food, 是主食的意思。美国人刚刚过完Thanksgiving 感恩节。 "On the Thanksgiving dinner table, turkey is a staple food," 火鸡是感恩节餐桌上的主食。 "Besides turkey, sweet potatoes are also a staple food during this time of the year," 除了火鸡,甜薯也是当季主食。 "Rice and beans are staple foods in a lot of cultures," 很多国家都以豆类和大米为主食。美国市场最近物价上涨。 "Prices of staple foods such as dairy and wheat products have been on the rise," 奶制品和谷类等主食的价格不断上涨。好的,今天我们学习的词是staple food...
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