1499 spew

今天我们要学的词是spew。 Spew, 意思是喷出,涌出。 "As Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano continues to spew ash plumes, water vapor and hot rocks, some of the local schools have canceled classes," 由于墨西哥的波波卡特佩特火山继续喷射火山灰,水气和热石块,一些当地学校已经停课。

美国联邦检察官指控两年前BP石油公司漏油案涉案的一名前工程师删掉了300多条手机短信。 "The messages indicated the blown-out well was spewing far more crude than the company was telling the public at the time," 这些短信的内容说明,油井喷出的原油量比当时BP公司向公众所说的要多得多。好,今天我们学习的词是spew...
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