1503 bulk up

今天我们要学的词是bulk up。Bulk up, 是增加,积累的意思。美国四月份就业报告出台,就业集中增加在一些低薪资行业。 "Hiring by retailers rebounded, and food services and temporary-help agencies also bulked up," 零售业就业有所好转,餐饮业和临时工种就业也有所增长。

演员Zac Efron为出演新角色健身。 "Zac Efron has been bulking up for his new movie, in which he's going to play a Marine returning from Iraq," 为出演一名从伊拉克归来的美国海军陆战队队员,扎克.埃夫隆正在健身,增加肌肉。好的,今天我们学习的词是bulk up...
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