1505 hammer

今天我们要学的词是hammer。Hammer, 作为名词是榔头,作为动词则是猛击,击败的意思。美国四月的就业报告显示,就业情势有所恶化。 "Seizing on April's slower job growth, Republicans hammered President Obama for his economic policies," 共和党人抓住四月份放缓的就业增长数字,以此抨击奥巴马的经济政策。 "US drones continued to hammer al Qaeda targets in Yemen," 美国无人驾驶飞机继续攻击也门的基地组织目标。Hammer这个词也经常用在体育比赛中,比如, "The Denver Nuggets hammered the Minnesota Timberwolves 131-102 for their 4th straight win," 丹佛金块以131比120 战胜明尼苏达森林狼队,取得4连胜。好的,今天我们学习的词是hammer...
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