1510 stepping ston

今天我们要学的词是stepping stone. Stepping is spelled s-t-e-p-p-i-n-g, stepping; and stone, s-t-o-n-e, stone; stepping-stone. Stepping-stone是为了达到目的而准备垫脚石,敲门砖。阿尔及利亚最近举行议会选举,Algeria's authorities say a parliamentary election is a stepping stone towards a more democratic state, but many people do not believe such promises. 阿尔及利亚当局说,议会选举是为建立更民主的国家作铺垫,不过很多人并不相信这些承诺。Many people use education as a stepping stone to a better life. 许多人通过受教育来争取过上更好的生活。Internships are a stepping stone into the corporate world and, for many, are the best way to learn. 实习是进入企业界的敲门砖,对许多人来说,也是最好的学习机会。好的, 今天我们学习的词是stepping-stone,stepping-stone, stepping-stone...
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