1512 dwindle

今天我们要学的词是dwindle. Dwindle is spelled d-w-i-n-d-l-e, dwindle. Dwindle是缩减,缩小的意思。Hewlett-Packard may eliminate as many as 30,000 jobs to compensate for dwindling demand for personal computers. 惠普公司可能会裁员三万人,以弥补市场对个人电脑需求缩水带来的损失。Japanese rice sales dwindled for the first time amid rising demand for western-style breads. 由于人们对西式面包需求的增长,日本首次出现大米销量下降的情况。U.S. government contracts are dwindling as the Obama administration pushes to reduce spending. 由于奥巴马政府大力减少政府支出,美国政府外发的合同数量正在减少。好的, 今天我们学习的词是dwindle,dwindle,dwindle...
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