1646 questionable

今天我们要学的词是 questionable。Questionable 意思是有问题的,尚未确定的。The quarterback hurt his knee in the first quarter. His return to the game is questionable. 美式足球四分位比赛第一节膝盖受伤,能不能继续比赛,现在还不能确定。Jill Kelley, the woman who sparked former CIA director Petraeus' scandal, founded a questionable cancer charity with her doctor husband. 美国前中央情报局局长彼得雷乌斯丑闻事件的导火索,一个叫吉尔.凯利的女人,跟自己做医生的丈夫一起开办了一个很有问题的癌症慈善机构。好的,今天我们学习的词是 questionable, questionable, questionable....
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