1659 poke fun at

今天我们要学的词是 poke fun at。To poke fun at 意思是拿某人某事开玩笑,调侃。比如:Stop poking fun at me! 别拿我开玩笑。Prince William poked fun at his younger brother Prince Harry during a recent visit to Cambridge. 英国威廉王子最近在访问剑桥的时候,调侃了自己的弟弟哈里王子。American comedian Ellen DeGeneres poked fun at a study on the effectiveness of gay-dar. 美国笑星艾伦.德杰尼勒斯对一项有关辨别同性恋能力的研究大肆调侃。好的,今天我们学习的词是 poke fun at, poke fun at, poke fun at...
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