1677 unstoppable

今天我们要学的词是 unstoppable。Unstoppable 无法阻挡的。The Washington Redskins have won 7 games in a row. They're unstoppable. 华盛顿美式足球红人队连赢七场比赛,势不可挡。Ever since the introduction of Apple's iPad in 2010, tablets have been enjoying seemingly unstoppable growth. 自从2010年苹果首先推出iPad以来,平板电脑的发展突飞猛进。In the last few years, the acceptance of gay rights in America has been seemingly unstoppable. 过去几年里,美国社会对同性恋权利的认可程度看起来势不可挡。好的,今天我们学习的词是 unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable....
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