1695 outsize

今天我们要学的词是outsize。Outsize,形容词,是特别大的意思。美国房屋市场出现复苏,新房供应量下降,Though new homes represent less than 20 percent of housing sales, they have an outsized impact on the economy. 虽然新住房只占整个房屋市场销售的百分之20,但它们对整体经济的影响非常大。美国财政部长盖特纳说,Preserving Wall Street's outsized role in the economy was one of the keys to America's strength. 保持华尔街在国民经济中的重大影响力是增强美国国力的关键之一。好的,今天我们学习的词是 outsize, outsize, outsize...
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