1745 paycheck

今天我们要学的词是 paycheck。Paycheck 工资单。为了显示跟被迫停薪休假的联邦雇员同甘共苦,President Obama will give 5% of his paycheck back to the federal government. 美国总统奥巴马将拿出工资的5%来还给国库。在美国,一个典型中产阶级家庭把孩子养大到17岁,平均要花费23万5千美元。对于学龄孩子的家长来说,Costs from their children's extracurricular activities like football, gymnastics, and music lessons, chip away at their paychecks. 家长收入的一部分要花在孩子的橄榄球,体操和声乐等课余活动上。好的,今天我们学习的词是 paycheck, paycheck, paycheck...
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