1762 newfound

今天我们要学的词是 newfoundNewfound 新发现的。The members of the little-known band were shocked at their newfound success after their latest song became a big hit. 这个鲜为人知的乐队凭借一首新歌一举成名,新的成功让他们感到格外意外和惊讶。菲律宾一个14岁的男孩在youtube上传的歌曲视频短短十天就达到了百万点击,受到邀请,到美国参加艾伦.德杰尼勒斯的节目。The boy is said to be "happy and nervous" about his newfound fame. 据说这个男孩对自己的新知名度感到既高兴又紧张。好的,今天我们学习的词是 newfound, newfound, newfound...
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