1776 uncover

今天我们要学的词是uncover. Uncover 动词,意思是揭示,发现。Researchers have uncovered an active cyber espionage operation that has compromised computers from over 100 countries so far. 研究人员发现了一个活跃的空间间谍行动,该行动至今已经破坏了100多个国家里电脑的安全。Auditors uncovered over $42 million in previously unknown funds sitting in LA's city coffers for years due to an accounting error. 审计人员发现,由于财会错误,美国洛杉矶市的金库里有4200多万美元,多年来就白白放在那里,没人知道这笔钱的存在。好的,今天我们学习的词是 uncover, uncover, uncover...
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