1835 hypothetical

今天我们要学的词是 hypothetical. Hypothetical 形容词,意思是假设的,假想的。Senator John McCain called a hypothetical 2016 presidential race between Hilary Clinton and Senator Rand Paul "a tough choice." 美国联邦参议员麦凯恩说,如果希拉里.克林顿和联邦参议员兰德.保罗在2016年总统大选中对角的话,他很难在二者间做出选择。有研究显示,In hypothetical situations, women are less likely to condone corruption. 在假设情况下,妇女不太可能象男人那样纵容腐败。好的,今天我们学习的词是 hypothetical, hypothetical, hypothetical...
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