1839 misbehaving

今天我们要学的词是 misbehaving. Misbehaving 形容词,意思是表现不好的,行为不端的。A new study listed a number of signs that misbehaving children may become extremely successful. 一份最新研究列举了一系列迹象,那些表现不好,但是带有这些特征的孩子,长大后很可能会极其成功。Compelled by the U.S. Justice Department, a Mississippi school district has agreed to keep more misbehaving students in the classroom instead of suspending or expelling them. 在美国司法部的要求下,密西西比州的一个校区同意让更多表现差的学生留在学校,不让他们暂停或是开除学籍。好的,今天我们学习的词是 misbehaving, misbehaving, misbehaving...
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