1928 mayhem

今天我们要学的词是 mayhem. Mayhem 是名词,意思是极度混乱。感恩节过后的黑色星期五向来都是抢购打折商品的高峰。Mayhem erupted as shoppers used fists and knives to fight over the heavily-discounted electronics. 为了争夺大减价的电器,购物者拳脚相加,甚至动刀子,出现混乱状态。十二月中旬耶路撒冷下大雪。The storm overwhelmed public emergency services, causing mayhem across the region. 这场大雪让公共应急部门应接不暇,给整个地区带来了混乱。好的,今天我们学习的词是 mayhem, mayhem, mayhem...
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